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The Beauty Sleeper

Growing up, my parents never stopped telling me how important it was for me to get my beauty sleep. I didn’t quite understand what they meant at the time, but today it makes sense.

Good sleeping habits are for me just as vital as healthy eating, drinking enough water and spending time with the people I love.

Today in our busy world, with the demands from work and family and too many tempting streaming options late at night, a lot of us do not get enough sleep and end up burnt out and depressed. Sleep deprivation makes us less healthy and is linked to increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, obesity and mental problems.

The good news is that getting a restorative good night’s sleep is starting to be taken seriously again and sleep is now the new luxury – a luxury no one should live without.

As a grown up, I now know that getting my beauty sleep not only makes me feel better but when I look in the mirror in the morning, I notice my fine lines are less visible and my skin has a healthy glow. This is because my body rehydrates while I sleep.

I never go a night without my silk sleep mask as it blocks all light from my windows and the total darkness makes me fall asleep a lot faster since it stimulates the production of the sleep hormone melatonin which tells our bodies ‘it is time to get your beauty sleep.

But as I said, getting that famous beauty sleep is not always easy and by creating The Beauty Sleeper my dream is to build a universe purely focusing on my big passion guiding people to achieve a better sleep that can lead to a better quality of life for everyone.

As well as finding a selection of products that will help you get that beauty sleep, you will also be able to use The Beauty Sleeper as your go-to destination for a better understanding of the importance of sleep not only for you as a person but for our world today.

Good night from

Lotte Barnholdt Mahony

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