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Activist Raw Mānuka Honey is wildcrafted in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native Mānuka Bush. Raw, unprocessed and produced in small batches, this honey is teeming with the life force of the hive. Activist Raw Mānuka Honey is independently tested and certified in New Zealand using the Methylglyoxal (MGO) grading system, which verifies the authenticity of Mānuka honey. 850+ MGO honey is guaranteed to contain at least 850mg Methylglyoxal per kg. Packed with nutrition, plant enzymes and immune protection, a spoonful a day of this magical Mānuka is a sweet way to keep the doctor away. 250g


Best taken internally for daily immune and digestive support, used topically for a 100% natural and hydrating face mask, skin cleanser and wound healer.
  • 1-2 spoons per day
  • Apply as a mask 2-3 times per week or even every day.
Activist Mānuka Honey 850+ MGO Face Mask “A face mask is one of the best ways to use our Activist 850+ Mānuka honey. This potent honey mask has powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties that can beautify, protect, and balance your skin. It helps mitigate acne, dryness, and scarring. Alternatively, you can use Activist 850+ Manuka honey to replace your daily face wash. To do this, simply apply it and rinse the same way as a regular face cleanser.”  RECIPE
  • 1 tsp. Activist Mānuka honey 850+ MGO
Optional additions:
  • Cinnamon (to boost circulation)
  • Spirulina (perfect for sensitive skin)
  • Matcha (packed with antioxidants)
  • Rosewater (anti-inflammatory)
Dampen your face lightly with lukewarm water to make application easier. Spread the Mānuka honey all over your face with clean fingers, and let it sit for a minimum of 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry your skin.
  • Burns and wounds: The methylglyxal enzymes within the honey create a natural hydrogen peroxide that works as an antibacterial. Mānuka can soothe inflammation and pain, as well as, dress a wound at any stage. Lastly, it can stimulate wound healing time and repair white blood cells. A great way to utilize it is by making a poultice or compress, in which, you can infuse herbs like plantain or calendula for extra potency and soothing properties.
  • Digestion: Mānuka is wonderful for supporting the natural digestive microbiome. Because low stomach acid can come from overgrowth of bacteria, Mānuka is a great way to rid your body of those pathogens and keep the digestion flowing properly. This is because it contains oligosaccharides, which have a prebiotic effect on the gut and promote the proliferation of good flora. In addition, the high antioxidant content has been found to be effective in the treatment of gastric and peptic ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, dyspepsia, GERD, Staph infections, food poisoning and more. We eat is by the spoonful daily!
  • Oral health: For someone looking to their keep teeth and gums healthy, Mānuka is the quintessential antidote. Because of its anti-bacterial and microbial properties, it can kill plaque and improve and prevent issues relating to tooth decay and gingivitis. It is great when used as a mouthwash or oil pull to remove toxins, especially for someone suffering from periodontal disease. It can easily be spread across gums and teeth, and since it’s non-toxic, can actually be swallowed with saliva.
  • Immunity: Mānuka has been proven to have efficacy against antibiotic-resistant microbes, promoting its healing powers against pathogens internally and externally. When sick, it can even improve sore throats, help soothe coughs and improve common cold symptoms. Mānuka also helps people with acute sinus problems and allergies. We sometimes take a spoonful of raw Mānuka in the mornings when our hay fever begins to act up and gargle it with lightly warm salt water when our family has a sore throat.
  • Acne, eczema and dermatitis: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Mānuka has extraordinary healing properties for skin conditions. It can reduce redness and heal congested or inflamed skin such as eczema or psoriasis. Additionally, Mānuka can be used for its anti-bacterial properties on the skin by oxygenating pores, which can draw out or reduce the amount of bacteria on blemishes. This can drastically improve acne-prone skin. You can use Mānuka honey as an everyday face wash, direct spot treatment on acne or make a face mask and leave on for a set amount of time.